China flowers and gifts network

Telephone: 086-028-68820044
Fax: 086-028-68820045
Contact: yao
Address: Room 5-7 No.231 Yingmen Building The north one section of Er Huan Road in Chengdu
City: chengdu, China
Map: View large map
CNWebDir No.LK-254297-1403
China and gifts network in chengdu is local professional entities flowers and gifts shop delivery service. We have more than 500 chain-local-Chinese-florist shops in mainland, sending products in 3-6 hours. Professional services, cheap prices.In the special day, select a small gift for your lover,for your parents, for your best friends? You just need to click the mouse, let us help you to do the others.

China flowers and gifts network, as the leader of flower delivery service, provides 24-hour online professional service of ordering flowers. Flowers, cake, gifts in 3-6 hours can be served more than 600 cities nationwide.

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