The company owns the abundant technical force, scientific and efficient production and supervision, advanced manufacture facilities, precise detecting apparatus. It is symbol of FRESH's great strength. The product quality reaches to the international standard. In 2000, on the basisof the ISO9002-94 edition, it has passed and gained and gained the ISO9002-2000 edition international quality attestation. FRESH holds for esteem for the specialized manufacture. It constantly improves the production scale and challenges the increasingly fierce world market. At present, relying on the superior product quality, the goods sell far to the countries and regions such as Germany, Italy, Spain, America, Korea, Taiwan and Hongkong. etc. FRESH is now striding for development. It pursues the customer's requirements and fine product requtation by a brand-new managing concept and quality consciousness. It constantly expands the market share. It is certain to be your most forceful career partner.
Shower head, Sliding Bars, Wall Fixed Sets, Packing, Shower Head Accessories, Flexible Hose & Tube etc.
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