Yiwu Jiecheng Handbag Factory was a one workshop of Dongguan Lianxin Leatherware Co.,LTD,which was a medium sized manufacturer who specialized in all kinds of Genuine leather handbag,leisure bag,canvas tote bag,beach bag,shopping cart,shopping bag,cooler bag,and other fashion durable bags manufacturing and exporting with good reputation in China since 2003,with our own R&D department,we can supply the ODM services to all of our customers based on their special requirements.
For more other fashion styles of handbag or other bag,please feel free to inform us by return or contact us directly by following ways.
Yiwu Jiecheng Handbag Factory was a one workshop of Dongguan Lianxin Leatherware Co.,LTD,which was a medium sized manufacturer who specialized in all kinds of Genuine leather handbag,leisure bag,canvas tote bag,beach bag,shopping cart,shopping bag,cooler bag,and other fashion durable bags manufacturing and exporting with good reputation in China since 2003,with our own R&D department,we can supply the ODM services to all of our customers based on their special requirements.
For more other fashion styles of handbag or other bag,please feel free to inform us by return or contact us directly by following ways.